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What is an AI Question Generator? – How to Use It?

AI Question Generator
Artificial intelligence question generators are automated tools that create question papers, quizzes, and assessments with a couple of clicks. We’ll discuss how the tool works and its benefits to business enterprises. 

Automation has become an integral part of various industries. Even domains like education and training are adopting the latest technology. EdTech is bringing drastic changes to an industry that still has a strong traditional base. Businesses are also investing in EdTech tools for training purposes. The changing times have forced the top management to reconsider the older training methods. 

In today’s era, employees want interactive and flexible training sessions with access to the material even after the training is complete. Businesses are integrating LMS into their systems to provide the necessary infrastructure for employees to learn at work. However, education and training don’t stop at learning. Assessments are necessary to evaluate the learning process. It’s no surprise that assessments can also be automated using advanced tools. 

Question generators built on artificial intelligence algorithms are the best examples. An AI question generator is an automated tool developed to create questions, quizzes, tests, etc., with a couple of clicks. Trainers use automated platforms to speed up the process and generate questions at any time. 

For example, if you want to assess the knowledge gained by the employees after they complete a training module, you just have to use the automated question generator tool to prepare the test paper. Creating questions isn’t a hassle. The software will do everything once you enter the input data and select your requirements. Let’s read more about AI-based question and answer generator platforms and how they work.  

What Does an AI Question Generator Do? 

An artificial intelligence-based question generator uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithm to process input data and convert it into different types of questions. Depending on the tool you use, you will get the option to choose the question types, difficulty levels, and output formats. 

In simple terms, the tool will create questions from the data you enter and provide a ready-made test paper. You can edit the questions and export them to conduct assessments. The process takes only a few minutes as opposed to manually creating a question paper on your own. 

PrepAI - AI Powered Question Generator

How to Generate Questions Using Automatic Question Generator? 

The process of creating AI-generated questions can change based on the platform you choose. In this blog, we’ll see how to use PrepAI to create automated quizzes and assessments

PrepAI is an artificial intelligence-based assessment generator developed by DataToBiz. It is versatile and designed for EdTech professionals, school teachers, students, and parents. You can check out the free basic version to get a better idea of how the platform works. 

The API version is specifically provided for businesses to integrate with their LMS and use for training purposes. 

Process of Using PrepAI 

Follow the below steps to generate questions and quizzes using the PrepAI tool. 

Process of using PrepAI
  • Create an account on the platform by signing up and verifying your account. 
  • Click on Generate Questions to start the process and enter input data for the question paper/ quiz. 
  • PrepAI platform offers four input options- copy-paste text, upload MS Word/ PDF file, search for content on Wiki and add a link to YouTube videos. The API version currently offers only the copy-paste-text option to provide input data. 
  • The tool will automatically generate questions from the given data. The questions will be listed on the side in less than a minute. 
  • The platform offers four types of questions- multiple choice, true/ false, fillups, and descriptive questions. 
  • The MCQs can further be classified into easy, medium, and difficult questions. You can then edit the questions to customize the assessment paper. 
  • Select the questions you want to remove and keep the remaining ones. You can add more questions from your side to include in the final test paper. 
  • Go through the questions and answers once before saving the final copy. Export this as an output in PDF, MS Word, or Excel format. 
  • Share the assessment with your trainees by uploading it through the LMS or sending it to them individually. 

Benefits of PrepAI Question Generator Tool

But why should you use an AI-based question generation tool for tests and quizzes? What are the benefits of using an automated tool instead of following the traditional, manual method? Let’s find out. 

Benefits of PrepAI


Letting a software tool take over the task is always a relief when you have important work, isn’t it? Working with strict deadlines is stressful enough. Why add more when there’s technology to help you? For example, you want to conduct a surprise quiz for the trainees but don’t have enough time. Use a question generator tool like PrepAI quickly create the quiz questions. You won’t be pressed for time and can implement your plan without increasing your workload.

Saves Time 

This is the biggest advantage of using advanced tools to generate questions. Teachers, trainers, and mentors don’t have to spend their valuable time preparing the assessment tests from scratch. There’s no need to pore over pages of material to list important topics and create questions from the vast information available. Even doing it on the computer is exhausting when you have to skim through tens and hundreds of pages. 

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Easy to Use 

There really isn’t a point in using technology if it is confusing or complicated. PrepAI has been designed for use by anyone with minimum technical knowledge. The clean interface is simple and has commands easily understood by most people. You can master the tool if you use it a couple of times. The more proficient you get, the faster you can create assessments on the platform. There are no complicated features or processes in PrepAI. 


Online tools are priced on a varied scale. While PrepAI is available for free, businesses require the paid version to cater to large-scale requirements. PrepAI is a cost-effective and budget-friendly AI question generator tool in the market. You can pay for the number of test papers you create or choose a package that is perfect for your training requirements. It is possible for businesses to save money in the long run by investing in efficient tools.  

API Integration 

The easiest way to use a tool would be by integrating it with your existing systems. That allows you to streamline data flow from one system to another and work on multiple things simultaneously. PrepAI API can be seamlessly integrated with your business solutions. 


AI and NLP-based quiz generators are a comprehensive solution to streamline learning and training programs. The tool will continue to assist educators in simplifying the workflow. PrepAI is an important part of EdTech and is part of many institutions. Talk to the team to know more and get the API to integrate with your business software. 

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